#define int long long
#define rep(i,x,y) for(int i=x;i<=y;i++)
#define pre(i,x,y) for(int i=x;i>=y;i--)
using namespace std;
const int N=2e5+10,INF=0x3f3f3f3f,mod=1e9+7;
inline int read() {
int x=0,f=1;
char ch=getchar();
return x*f;
void solve(){
int a=read(),ta=read();
int b=read(),tb=read();
int h,m;
int t1=h*60+m,t2=t1+ta;
//cout<<t1-tb<<" "<<t2<<endl;
int bt=5*60;
int ans=0;
for(int i=bt;i<=23*60+59;i+=b){
signed main(){
int T=1;
return 0;
10 30
10 35
1738C - Even Number Addicts | 1064B - Equations of Mathematical Magic |
384A - Coder | 1738B - Prefix Sum Addicts |
1352D - Alice Bob and Candies | 1316D - Nash Matrix |
1548B - Integers Have Friends | 348A - Mafia |
315B - Sereja and Array | 204A - Little Elephant and Interval |
385B - Bear and Strings | 114C - Grammar Lessons |
1427A - Avoiding Zero | 583A - Asphalting Roads |
1358B - Maria Breaks the Self-isolation | 828A - Restaurant Tables |
1735A - Working Week | 1735D - Meta-set |
1735B - Tea with Tangerines | 1735C - Phase Shift |
1321C - Remove Adjacent | 281B - Nearest Fraction |
1043A - Elections | 1598C - Delete Two Elements |
1400C - Binary String Reconstruction | 1734D - Slime Escape |
1499A - Domino on Windowsill | 991A - If at first you don't succeed |
1196C - Robot Breakout | 373A - Collecting Beats is Fun |